Stephanie Moscato

Whats your yoga style? Yoga is so much more than just asanas, it's a state of being, a way of living. It has helped me find peace and blissfulness within myself. Through awareness, breathing and connection my classes will hopefully help you do the same.

About me: Sometimes a teacher, always a student. I have always been a seeker, looking for meaning and secrets hidden in the natural and spiritual world, exploring and studying things like Ayurveda, astrology, authentic relating, human design, cyclical living and psychology. From all these disciplines, yoga and meditation are the tools that helped me most on my path to self discovery, development and acceptance.

And as someone who was never able to touch her toes, not even as a kid, I also love the physical benefits & flexibility it has brought to me

Guilty pleasure: Chocolateeeeee, not the healthy kind I'm afraid...

Favorite destination: At the moment Bali is where my soul feels at home.

Why I love yoga: Yoga always brings me back to my self.