Kathelijne Schaaphok

Whats your yoga style? I like to motivate and inspire people, I want to pass on knowledge and like to go a little deeper into the yogic philosophy. During a vinyasa class I like to maintain the movements energetic, fluid and strong, I love the creativity of the yoga asanas and play with various transitions. A Hatha class will always be grounding and challenge our endurance while in Yin we will surrender and focus on the meridians (energy channels) based on the knowledge of the traditional Chinese medecine. I also like to adapt all my classes to the seasons and the moon.

About me: Born (in Holland) in the sign of Gemini, I’d say I am a very curious person in need of constant change and self-development. An accident (and my teachers after/during this time) was my motivation to get closer to yoga and deeper into its very fascinating philosophy. My yoga journey brought me closer to who I really am, perfect with all my imperfections! Interested, spontaneous, communicative, sometimes clumsy, sometimes confused living in my own bubble, occasionally impulsive and moody in the morning without coffee ;)

Favorite food: Fruits & Vegetables

My spirit animal is: Butterfly.

Past working experience before becoming a yoga teacher: Costume designer for movies & theater.