Françoise Seiwerath

My teaching style: My classes are a journey into embodied movement where breath and internal awareness are prioritized over doing things “right.” I describe my classes as being slow and strong, but as instead of having a “one size fits all” approach, I create classes where the emphasis is on feeling your body and finding what works for you. For me the physical practice of yoga is an exploration of the space within and around us and an exercise in proprioceptive awareness. I teach functional yoga suitable to every level of experience. My students like the diversified classes where they are regularly surprised by new movements and transitions and as I love to laugh, anything from a slight giggle to a deep-rooted belly-laugh.

About me: When I started practicing yoga, I did so originally to nourish my body, mind and soul between long treks in the mountains and sessions at the gym. Very soon I found myself spending more and more time on my mat as I noticed my body grow more resilient and my mind calmer and more focused. Today Yoga is the scaffolding of my life. On the mat I learned that there will always be someone more bendy, stronger or accomplished and that this is without importance; that what counts really is moving through my own personal experience and practice, with my own story. There is no endpoint to yoga as there is everyday something new to explore and new steps to take. Passing on knowledge and inviting students to find their own journey is my passion. I was born and raised in Luxembourg, studied in France and traveled all over the world. I teach Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga.

Favorite destination: Mountains, wherever they are, Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, Atlas, Alps. As soon that I see mountains you’ll find me putting on my shoes, with the biggest smile on my face.

Where you’ll find me when I’m not at yogaloft: Somewhere breathing in fresh air while walking my dog

Favorite yoga pose: On a scale of 0 to Evil? My students know that I just looooove long held chair poses!